WordzworkWales - creating writing opportunities

Who's Who at WordzworkWales

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Annette Ecuyeré

Annette Ecuyeré Lee

Founder of WordzworkWales I run the workshops and consultations, organise the writing festival and personal development weekends.

With a father in the navy I travelled extensively then having spent many years in England Nigel and I moved into the beautiful Teify Valley of west Wales where we brought an old barn which we renovated and we love our small slice of the valley. (Our meadows were used as the cover photograph on the What's Next? anthology).

I have been teaching creative writing for over 15 years, as well as English GCSE and A Level s. I also have a background in public relations and am at present researching and putting together books on business plans, self-publishing and event organisation.

Amongst many other pieces of paper I have earned I have a degree in Anthropology, English and Philosophy; a PG Dip., in Entrepreneurial studies from Lampeter University and a PG Dip., in Creative Writing and Personal Development from the University of Sussex.

I believe most strongly that writing can be used for many reasons and by writers of all different levels. Not everyone wants to write a best selling novel, but this doesn't mean that their writing has no value and should not be worked on. Also, that the process of writing should be enjoyed - even if it is sometimes hard work.

WordzworkWales also has access to a number of very qualified and talented people in the world of words.